Marchesi Antinori Tignanello 2019 / マルケージ アンティノリ ティニャネロ 2019

Originally from the Val di Sieve where they owned several castles in the Middle Ages, the Antinori family settled in Florence during the wars between Guelphs and Ghibellines, between 1336 and 1340, the family founded a trading company that became one of the most important in Florence and in1385 Marchesi Antinori Srl is created, The Antinori family has been committed to the art of winemaking for over six centuries swhen Giovanni di Piero Antinori became a member, of the “Arte Fiorentina dei Vinattieri”, the Florentine Winemakers’ Guild.
Blend : Merlot and Cabernet Franc
Wine Score : 95/100


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